Thursday, January 27, 2011


This is what most of Boston and the street we live in looks like. I remember Jamie Bernstein saying how much she loved snow in NY: because the city never looks that clean - until you get all that slush!
I have never seen so much snow in my life! Thanks Marie for the pic. She was brave enough to go out this morning.

Last week we had to go get our shots. Not at the bar, but the doctor - no need to explain the pain some fellows were experiencing. Ah, sacrifices. So here are some of this weeks highlights.

Monday we went to Community Music Works and it was inspiring to see all these human beings come together for a collective purpose. Thank you so much for opening your doors and showing us some CMW hospitality.
So here are some of the things I got out of our visit:
  • open lines of communication in the community you are planning to move into (through some type of survey) in order to see the needs and challenges that community might be facing
  • the hardest job is to manage people - and it is a skill that is learned
  • Create a process so that you know what you want to get out of the applicant (clear job description), know what they are about.
  • Looking at CV = Sebastian equated it to being INTEL. Check for references, but also relevant work experienced that are not mentioned as references
  • During the interview create a scenario relevant to the work they will be doing to see how they respond to pressure
  • Hire on strengths of individuals, and assign them on tasks that emphasize those areas
  • create a learning organization
  • are you creating space to learn? (teachers, students, staff)
  • conflict is inevitable - train staff to resolve conflicts. This, in my opinion, is vital to the success of the organization
  • share leadership - be clear about the role and job assigned
Something our educator director Erik has always emphasized when making decisions in the fellowship is reaching consensus, not voting for ideas. We move slow, but that is the way CMW operates in some organizational decisions and I think that's why they are successful at what they do.

Another organization that Adrianne pointed out to me was AS220, which is also in Providence. I am interested to see how they are applying the juvie hall detention art programs, so I am looking forward do doing an internship at AS220 and CMW.

On some other news, our trip to Venezuela has been postponed but we are still definitely going. I was hoping not having to deal with any more mountains of snow, but oh well - regla venezolana numero uno: ser flexible ;)

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